Thursday, October 2, 2008

iTunes no more?

I had posted a story a few weeks back about the launch of the new MySpace Store. Well, since then, the store has been launched and it is only due time until we see how this program will fare in the music download industry. I also wondered how iTunes would handle another "music giant" in the monopoly. There are now new issues that iTunes are facing which has no connection with the MySpace Music drama. Here is the story: Apple: We'll Kill iTunes.

I was reading some of the comments left at the bottom of the article by readers. On one side, I agree with some of their sentiments. Why can't Apple just "man-up" and deal with the extra charge? It is ONLY six cents extra per song. On the other hand, I do understand what Apple is thinking. That extra six cents per song will really add up quickly when millions of songs are being downloaded by users. When Apple is already paying the music industry 70 cents on the dollar per purchase of each song, they will be losing money with this endeavor. They may say that they put the customer first, but they are first and foremost, a business. They do put the customer first, but if and only if, the customer is making them a profit. Once a profit is not made, the business must move in their best interest. I think I can empathize with that. Everyone should be able to. How many people, who run businesses, can you say will continue doing something if they are losing money at a steady rate? Well, if you say you know plenty of people like that, then you must also know about their bankruptcy stories as well.

In the end, I would hate to see the death of iTunes, but I understand the intricacies of business. If you are losing money, you aren't running a successful business. For once, the public must realize that business comes before the satisfaction of the customer. Like the saying goes, the customer comes first. But if and only if that customer is carrying cash.

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